Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Primary Program

Yesterday was the Primary Program for our ward & since Lizzie is a Sunbeam this year it was the first time we had two kids participating. I've been sick WAY more than usual this fall so we must have been home the Sunday they announced it & passed out parts because I was informed LAST Sunday it was coming up this week! Thankfully we were able to get the kids' parts from their teachers & they got to attend practice on Saturday so they were well prepared.
One funny thing happened. When I heard Lizzie say her part at practice on Saturday it sounded like she said "I know Heavenly Father loves me because He gave me a body & found me a beautiful world." I was pretty sure that wasn't what her line actually was so I made sure I got her script so we could practice it together and she could be more clear on Sunday. Well, practice we did. Lizzie memorized her part (the actual line is "I know Heavenly Father loves me because He gave me a body, a FAMILY and a beautiful world.") and I gave the kids a pep talk as we drove to church. When Lizzie's turn arrived she walked up to the microphone, stuck her face in it & said...something completely different! We think that another child must not have shown up because Lizzie's line wasn't said AT ALL! At first I thought "Well, THAT was a waste of time, practicing her line!". Then I laughed because she didn't seem confused at all when the Primary President "fed" her the different line. Apparently she couldn't tell the difference!
Jalen also got to sing a duet with one of his friends from his class (the kids all sang "Follow the Prophet" and each verse was a solo or duet, it was GREAT!). It was so fun to see him perform so boldly & without any apparent nerves or anything! He had his speaking part memorized too & it was one Mark said we get to remind him of often. He said "Jesus was obedient to Heavenly Father. I can be obedient to my parents." I think Mark may be right, we'll be using this on more than one occasion in the future!
Since we had quite a few loved ones who couldn't attend I took some pictures of my little cuties before we left for church. Here they are!
My big kids, ready for the program

Kate, because she looked so dang cute!


Rachel said...

aren't primary programs the best?? our kids had their program yesterday too. i'm not surprised that lizzie and jalen both did great. they are two great kids! i love that jay will get regular reminders of his part too. that's awesome!

Rachel said...

p.s. they are real cuties too! and i love the family picture on your header. such a great picture!

Maggie said...

Rachel~I love that picture in the header too. It's one of my favorites because NONE of us are looking at the camera & yet we all have nice looks on our faces. PERFECT!

Olivia said...

What a couple of hams! Perhaps Jalen will develop an amazing singing voice like his mama.

I agree with Rachel about the new header: LOVE! (no one would ever know you were hosting the 7s..hahahahahahha!)

Welcome to FarrSouth. . . said...

The kids look great... SO BIG! Glad to hear the Primary program went well... Sarah's was this last Sunday, too. Whenever they give me Sarah's part I just smile and think, "yeah, right." She doesn't memorize (even if it was only 8 words) and is a poor parrot-er (can't give her more than one word at a time), plus she speaks fast and a little loud (which sounds mumble-y in a mic) when she's in front of a group and has a hard time sitting still for more that 35 minutes. That said, she smiled, sang the starts of most of the songs and stayed in her seat... more or less. I call is success!

Ang 8)

Welcome to FarrSouth. . . said...

I forgot to add that I, too, LOVE the new fam pic. AWESOME!